Customer story:

Aalto University – School of Economics

The University of Economics markets to an international applicant pool

Aalto University’s School of Business wants the most motivated applicants from all over the world, and those who are ready to commit to a challenging course. The Bachelor’s Program in Economics is a challenging course that demands a lot from students, but also provides excellent preparation for a challenging working life. We wanted to convey this to the applicants with the voices and faces of real students and professors in an international-level video.

Social media versions were also cut from the video. Below is a cropped version for the Instagram feed.

“Cooperation with OneMinStroy was effortless and smooth. They were able to meet our strict schedule request and the product even came a little ahead of time. The video conveys the positive feeling that we set out to pursue.”

Maarika Raitosola, Marketing Coordinator, Aalto University School of Business

Contact us

Antti SIpilä, CEO, OneMinStory

Antti Sipilä


Puh. 045 67 333 69

Opastinsilta 6 A
00520 Helsinki