Vaisala is a public family business that lives on product development
Vaisala won the annual and prestigious family business of the year award. The award is chosen by the Association of Family Businesses of Finland through a multi-stage selection process. In conjunction with the award, a film was made about the company. The film summarizes the company’s history and essential spirit to be shared in the voice of the owners. Vaisala’s current chairman of the board Ville Voipio and previous chairman, current vice chairman Raimo Voipio act as narrators of this film. Vaisala’s development from the founder’s work to an international public company and global market leader in its field is fascinating.
Client's comments
"Antti Sipilä and OneMinStory made a profilic introduction video about Vaisala. The process was very smooth, and the end result was a skillful crystallization of a couple of hours of talking and the company's history of more than 85 years."
Ville Voipio, Chairman of the Board, Vaisala Oyj Let's schedule a meeting! »