Brand Video

Are you looking for a brand video creator?

Your brand truly comes to life through video.

A brand video makes your brand more than just a promise – it brings it to life and leaves a lasting impact. With OneMinStory, you can create videos that convey your company’s story, values, and vision in an emotionally engaging way. Let your brand live and breathe through video. Evoke emotions, strengthen your identity, and make your brand unforgettable with compelling stories.


A video delivers your brand in an engaging package that stays in the viewer’s mind.

For example, a celebratory video is a great way to showcase your entire history and its spirit, combined with a vision that looks toward the present and future. Since 2021, we have created videos for the winners of the Family Business of the Year award.

A video series ensures continuity and remains available online, serving its purpose even indefinitely.

– Antti Sipilä

Leave the design & execution to us

Video production includes

Continuous video production is a turnkey service where OneMinStory plans, produces, edits, and publishes videos on your behalf. After publication, we analyze the video’s performance and plan the next content based on the data gathered.

Mapping & Planning

1. Mapping the customer’s buying journey

2. Building a content program

3. Scriptwriting the video

Execution & Release

4. Filming the video

5. Editing the video

6. Producing various content pieces

7. Approving the content

8. Publishing

Measurement & Optimization

9. Analyzing the content

10. Producing new videos based on data

1. Mapping the customer’s buying journey

2. Building a content program

3. Scriptwriting the video

4. Filming the video

5. Editing the video

6. Producing various content pieces

7. Approving the content

8. Publishing

9. Analyzing the content

10. Producing new videos based on data

Our video production professionals ensure a high-quality result without requiring you, as the buyer, to spend time managing the process or planning the content.

Although continuous production follows a turnkey approach, we highly recommend featuring your company’s own experts in the videos. This helps build trust between you and your stakeholders, which is the core idea behind the videos!